Monday, November 14, 2011

An awful driving experience

 Driving in the rain.....The worst case scenario for every driver....Especially in ULTRA HEAVY RAIN!(Yes i use ULTRA to differentiate out normal heavy rain with this one)....

  • Visible Range of the Road: Approximately 50-100m ONLY!!!
  • Condition of the Road: Some heavy flooded(hard to see whether the road is flooded or not)
  • Traffic on the road: Moderate and all driving slowly 
  •  Car condition: To some extend pretty good.
What I experienced today:
  • Brake suddenly give out weird sound, but gone after 1s.
  • Car skid to the left for 0.5s, gain back control after that.
  • One path dark enough that you can't differentiate which lane you are in.
  • Went through at least 5 flooded road that can't even notice the road is flooded until you went through.

Equation of driving when it's raining: Speed is inversely proportional to amount of rain.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My favorite love story turn into MOVIE! 好看的电影是需要纪念的


那些年 我们一起追的女孩

个人观后浅谈, 拍得很棒,重要的剧情全都有拍 无时无刻都会有笑点的存在 但是理所当然 你必须要有一点中文底子的存在 要不然看字幕会不大明白台湾式的华语笑点...很棒的电影 很少会有电影出现全场一起鼓掌的画面 而且还有两次!! 这14块花的有值 而且我觉得是物超所值! 
谢谢刀大千辛万苦地把这部片拍出来 你的牺牲是值得的! 电影里还穿插了些你在小说里没写的名句 看来刀大写完了还有领悟呢 呵呵

You Are The Apple Of My Eye
Yes even with loads and loads of assignment and lab task is due next week I still slack and go watch this movie HAHA It's because I am a big fan of the author of this book Giddens Ko! I 1000% recommend this movie to you all of You will laugh from START till the END I PROMISE! (At least i did :P)
Rarely you will watch a movie that receive two round of applause from the whole hall but this one got TWO ROUND! That is already a solid proof to you all that this movie is NICE! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


这片文章其实应该更早放上来的, 可是由于个人的惰性>勤奋, 所以到现在才放上来, 还有必须澄清的是这纯粹是为了个人回忆性质, 绝无炫耀成份在里头. 好的, 让回忆开始! 2011年三月十五日...一个非常值得纪念的日子(对我而言)...为什么呢?因为我收到了圣诞老人迟来的礼物 XD 礼物是我订的laptop终于来货了...兴奋之余不忘拍几张照片来留下这"感动"的瞬间由于是定了一个月余才来的(中间发现了一些硬体问题所以商家全面回收) 所以捧在手上时有一种说不出口的感动呢(感觉有点恶心的说=.=)好了废话说这么多就够了接下来我要向大家介绍我的宝贝了!
